- Magikku (2024) for flute in C – Commission from Fanny Martin, support from Centre National de la Musique – Premiere: 12/06/2023 at the Salle Varèse from CNSMDL by Fanny Martin [Lyon, France]
- Styx (2021) for trumpet – Commission from Ars Nova Ensemble Instrumental, as part of the "Mosaïque" project – Premiere: 06/10/2023 at the Auditorium of Arthaus [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Mélancolie I (2018) for baritone saxophone – Premiere: 27/04/2018 at the Festival Mixtur 2018 by Joan Martí-Frasquier [Barcelona, Spain]
- Tres Constelaciones (2016) for violin – Without premiere
- Sōjustu (2024) for clarinet, bassoon, piano, violoncello and double bass – Commission from Kollektiv Unruhe with the support of the Fondation Loutsch-Weydert and SACEM – Premiere: 10/09/2024 Theater im Delphi within the framework of the ANTIPODES project [Berlin, Germany] ; Luxembourgish premiere 24/09/2024 Philharmonie Luxembourg in the Rainy Days Festival [Luxembourg] ; French premiere 26/09/2024 Salle Paul Garcin [Lyon, France]
- Presque l'amour (2024) for mezzo soprano and ensemble of seven musicians – Commission from Ensemble Accroche Note, support from Fondation Francis et Mica Salabert – Premiere: 04/07/2024 at the Eglise du Templier within the framework of the Rencontres de la Musique de Chambre [Strasbourg, France]
- Épitaphes (2022) for mezzo soprano and ensemble of seven musicians – Written for the Ensemble Accroche Note – Premiere: 19/05/2022 Auditorium de la Cité de la Musique de Strasbourg [Strasbourg, France]
- Argos Panoptes (2021) for ensemble of eight musicians – Commission from Festival Ensemble(s), soutien de la SACEM – Création : 12/09/2021 Pan Piper par 2e2m, Cairn, Court-Circuit. Multilatérale et Sillages [Paris, France]
- Durant l'éternité de Timée (2020-2021) for ensemble of eight musicians – Commission from GRAME-CNSMDL – Premiere: 25/04/2021 Salle Varèse CNSMDL by the EOC conducted by Bruno Mantovani [Lyon, France]
- Dharma (2019) for saxophone and ensemble of seventeen musicians – Prix Salabert – Premiere: 23/05/2019 Salle Varèse CNSMDL by the Atelier XX-21 conducted by Fabrice Pierre [Lyon, France]
- La Grande Roue (2018) for string quartet – Premiere: 15/07/2018 at the Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption by the quatuor TANA [Saint-Martin-Vésubie, France]
- Izanagi (2018) for flute, saxophone, violin, violoncello, piano – 18/05/2018 at the Auditori by the Barcelona Modern Ensemble under the conduction of Xavier Pagès-Corella [Barcelona, Spain]
- Otohime [乙姫 ] (2018) for flute, oboe, trumpet, horn, violin, viola, double bass – Premiere: 19/01/2018 at the Salle Varèse from CNSMDL by Atelier XX-21 under the conduction of Fabrice Pierre [Lyon, France]
- La mer perdue (2017) for string quartet, piano – Commission from Ensemble Écoute from France – Premiere: 03/11/2017 at the Maison du Brésil [Paris, France]
- Qu'est-ce que l'insomnie ? (2017) for flute, viola I, viola II – Premiere: 21/10/2017 at the Galérie le Réverbère [Lyon, France]
- Labyrinthe (2017) for violoncello, double bass – Premiere: 27/09/2017 at the Salle Varèse from CNSMDL [Lyon, France]
- Ryujin [ 龍神 ] (2017) for flute, oboe, trumpet, horn, violin, viola, double bass – Commission by the Ensemble EMC DAMus from Argentina – Premiere: 06/07/2017 at the Centro Nacional de la Música [Buenos Aires, Argentinea]
- Tajimamori [ 田道間守 ] (2017) for violin, violoncello, piano – Premiere: 04/03/2017 at the Auditorium from Conservatoire de Montreuil by the Ensemble ALEST [Paris, France]
- Intuición (2012) for clarinet, trumpet, trombone, violin, violoncello, piano – Without premiere
- Gracia (2012) pour bass clarinet, trombone, violoncello – Without premiere
- Pensamiento (2012) pour clarinet, trumpet, violocello, violin, piano – Premiere: 19/09/2012 at the Fundación Beethoven [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- FU-SION (2024) for 4 percussionists and electronics – Commission from percussion ensemble Q-SION, support from Programa IBERMÚSICAS and SACEM – Premiere: 11/09/2024 at the Sala Chopin de la Escuela Superior de Música y Danza de Monterrey [Nuevo León, Mexico]
- Minokawa (2023) for tuba and electronics – Commission from Côme Boutella, support from Centre National de la Musique – Premiere: 17/06/2023 at the Salle Varèse from CNSMDL by Côme Boutella [Lyon, France]
- Parálaksis (2023) for flute, saxophone, piano, percussion, electronics and video – Commission from Proxima Centauri | Aide à l'écriture d'œuvre musicale originale du Ministère de la Culture : Commande de l'État – Premiere: 06/04/2023 Le Rocher de Palmer [Bordeaux, France]
- IBN NIXIE (2022) for flutes, saxophones, pianos et electronics – Written for the Ensemble l’Imaginaire – Premiere: 17/05/2022 Auditorium de la Cité de la Musique de Strasbourg [Strasbourg, France]
- Cuélebre (2019-2020) for flute, saxophone, piano, percussion, electronics and video – Commission from Proxima Centauri – Premiere: 14/11/2019 Le Rocher de Palmer « Concert croisés #1 » [Bordeaux, France]
- Mélancolie III (2018) for piano, electroacoustic –Premiere: 24/10/2018 at the Salle Varèse from CNSMDL by Ezequiel Castro [Lyon, France]
- Mélancolie II (2018) for soprano saxophone, dancer, light wall system (electroacoustic) – Premiere: 20/10/2018at the Salle Varèse from CNSMDL by Helena Otero Correa, Eva Aubigny and Jean Geoffroy [Lyon, France]
- Endriago (2018) for percussion, electroacoustic – Commission from Conservatoire de Shanghai in partnership with the GRAME – Premiere: 05/10/2018 International Percussion Festival, Shanghai Conservatory [Shanghai, China]
- Le diamand sourit au crépuscule (2018) for paetzold bass recorder, electroacoustic – Commission from Gonzalo Ariel Juán – Premiere: 18/09/2023 Festival Atemporánea [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Khēmia I (2016) for double bass, electroacoustic – Premiere: 23/10/2017 at the EMUFest in the Auditorium from Conservatorio di Musica santa Cecilia [Rome, Italy]
- Theophilus (2016) for string quartet, electroacoustic – Premiere: 21/12/2016 at the Auditorium from Casa Cava by the Mitja string quartet [Matera, Italy]. Canadian premiere: at the ISCM World New Music Days by the Emily Carr String Quartet [Vancouver, Canada]
- La Sonrisa de una Lágrima (2014-15) for alto recorder, electroacoustic – Premiere: 02/08/2015 at the Usina del Arte [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- De olvido siempre gris (2019) for vocal quartet – Premiere: 17/05/2019 at the Fondation Miró by the AuditivVokal Dresden [Barcelone, Espagne]
- Qu'est-ce que l'amour ? (2021) for ensemble, dance, electronics and video – Support from the Fondation Francis et Mica Salabert – Premiere: 30/04/2021 Great Hall of the Théâtre de la Renaissance de Oullins [Lyon Metropolis, France]
- Supernova (2022) for orchestra – Commission from Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Argentina – Premiere: 18/03/2022 CCK Ballena Azul par Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Mugre (2023) for youth orchestra in training – Written for the Ensems Festival – Premiere: 21/09/2023 by young musicians of the Jove Orquestra de la Generalitat conducted by Edgar López [Valencia, Spain]
- Non-lieu (2022) for large percussion ensemble – Commission from Conservatoire d’Annemasse – Premiere: 23/04/2022 by 3rd cycle students [Annemasse, France]
- Anámnēsis (2022) for violoncello, percussion and piano – Commission from Festival Ensemble(s) – Premiere: 23/04/2022 by 2nd cycle students [Paris, France]
- Huit ailes (2022) for harp – Commission from Festival Ensemble(s) – Premiere: 23/04/2022 by 2nd cycle students [Paris, France]
- Vodí (2022) for trumpet, percussion and harp – Commission from Festival Ensemble(s) – Premiere: 23/04/2022 by 2nd cycle students [Paris, France]
- Brisas (2014) for violoncello – Premiere: 21/03/2015 by l’Interensemble 2015 [Padua, Italy]
- Glaukos (2014) for flute – Premiere: 09/05/2015 at the Museo de Arte Contemporánea [Mar del Plata, Argentina]
- El Bálsamo Dorado (2014) for piano – Premiere: 05/08/2014 at the National University of Arts [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Une allégorie (2020) acousmatic – Premiere: 12/08/2020 Festival DME [Seia, Portugal]
- Bonne chance (2017) radiophonic – Premiere: 08/05/2017 at the 60 Secondes Radio [Montréal, Canada]
- Che-toi (2016) version 1 acousmatic, version 2 with video – Commission by the Festival Bahía[in]sonora from Argentina – World premiere: 31/07/2016 at the Festival Bahía[in]sonora [Bahía Blanca, Argentina]. European premiere: 19/10/2016 at the Festival l’Espace du Son [Brussels, Belgium]
- La pastorale de Buenos Aires (2016) radiophonic – Premiere: 04/05/2016 at the 60 Secondes Radio [Montréal, Canada]
- Céfiro (2015) electroacoustic and video – Premiere: 27/05/2016 at the Los Gallegos Shopping [Mar del Plata, Argentina]
- Noema (2015) electroacoustic and video – Premiere: 29/10/2015 at the Ciudad Cultural Konex [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Cenizas del Tiempo (2015) version I quadraphonic electroacoustic, version II with video – Commission by the Festival Bahía[in]sonora from Argentina – World premiere: 01/07/2015 at the Festival Bahía[in]sonora [Bahía Blanca, Argentina]. European premiere: 06/10/2015 at the EMUFest [Rome, Italy]
- Dagas y Claveles (2014) electroacoustic and video – Premiere: 17/07/2015 at the Mercado Municipal de Flix from Festival SIRGA [Flix, Spain]
- Lepidóptera (2013) for piano – Without premiere
- Être et temps (2020) for clarinette in Bb or alto saxophone – Commission from Festival DME – Premiere: 12/08/2020 at the Festival DME by Carlos Silva [Seia, Portugal]
- Le serpent qui danse (2016) for string quartet – Without premiere
- Lago de Cristal (2014) for piano, violin, violoncello – Commission by the Ensemble GEAM from Argentina – Premiere: 17/05/2015 at the conDiT [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Intermitencia (2013) for trumpet, violoncello, vibraphone, tam tam, suspended cymbal – Without premiere
- Cuerpo presente (2013) for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello, piano – Premiere: 19/09/2015 at the conDiT [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Ciénaga (2012) for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello – Commission by the Ensemble GEAM from Argentina – Premiere: 19/09/2015 at the Al Escenario [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Percepción Híbrida (2012) for soprano voice, clarinet, violin I, violin II, viola, violoncello, double bass, piano – Premiere: 18/09/2012 at the Cento Cultural Recoleta, Auditorium El Aleph [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- El Soberano (2013) for flute, violoncello, electroacoustic – Premiere: 21/05/2014 at the La Vidriera de la DGEART [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Siete colores de Apkallu (2013) for flute, violoncello, tam tam, suspended cymbal, electroacoustic – Premiere: 18/12/2013 at the Auditorium from Escuela Superior de Música Esnaola [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Rakuen (2015) pour orchestre – Without premiere
- Paradigma referencial (2013) acousmatic – Premiere: 14/11/2014 at the Centro Cultural Recoleta [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Origen de una Fábula (2013) acousmatic – Premiere: 19/04/2013 at the Biennial from Bahía Blanca [Buenos Aires, Argentina]
- Suspiro Acqua (2011) acousmatic – Premiere: 05/08/2014 at the National University of Arts [Buenos Aires, Argentina]